Ever had to add notes to Intune Managed Devices in bulk? Me either, well not until a few weeks ago when I needed an easy way to update the notes field on 100’s of devices.
So luckily I stumbled upon a post by Paul Wetter about getting and setting notes on devices using Graph API, and specifically the Beta channel of Graph. Luckily, Paul did the ground work and created a couple of functions, which I have happily stolen borrowed, updated and tweaked to allow for updating notes en masse.
Configuration #
I’ve broken down each section of the script for a bit of a walk through, the important thing with all of this is making sure you have the Microsoft Graph Intune PowerShell module installed Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph.Intune
and you’ve connected to MSGraph Connect-MSGraph
Getting Device Notes #
The Get-IntuneDeviceNotes
function leans on the Microsoft.Graph.Intune PowerShell module, to grab the Intune device ID using Get-IntuneManagedDevice
, then grabs the device properties filtered to the Device Notes property. This will help us in getting individual device notes, as we kinda don’t want to lose any that have already been added.
Function Get-IntuneDeviceNotes{
param (
Try {
$DeviceID = (Get-IntuneManagedDevice -filter "deviceName eq '$DeviceName'" -ErrorAction Stop).id
Catch {
Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
$Resource = "deviceManagement/managedDevices('$deviceId')"
$properties = 'notes'
$uri = "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/$($Resource)?select=$properties"
(Invoke-MSGraphRequest -Method GET -Url $uri -ErrorAction Stop).notes
Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
Setting Device Notes #
The Set-IntuneDeviceNotes
function also leans on the Microsoft.Graph.Intune PowerShell module, to grab the Intune device ID using Get-IntuneManagedDevice
, and posts the formed JSON file to Graph to update the Notes property. Trouble with this, is that it will overwrite any existing notes that exist, so we need a way to sort this out.
Function Set-IntuneDeviceNotes{
param (
Try {
$DeviceID = (Get-IntuneManagedDevice -filter "deviceName eq '$DeviceName'" -ErrorAction Stop).id
Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
If (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DeviceID)){
$Resource = "deviceManagement/managedDevices('$DeviceID')"
$GraphApiVersion = "Beta"
$URI = "https://graph.microsoft.com/$graphApiVersion/$($resource)"
$JSONPayload = @"
Write-Verbose "$URI"
Write-Verbose "$JSONPayload"
Invoke-MSGraphRequest -Method PATCH -Url $uri -Content $JSONPayload -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
Bulk Setting Device Notes #
The Set-BulkIntuneDeviceNotes
function utilises both of the previous functions; one to get the existing notes and add it to a new array variable, then to update the variable with the new notes in the CSV file that gets imported. There’s also some logic around whether there are existing notes using the -match
operator, which is fun.
Function Set-BulkIntuneDeviceNotes{
param (
if(Test-Path -Path $DeviceList){
$Devices = Import-csv $DeviceList
foreach($Device in $Devices){
# Add Date stamp to the new notes
$NewNotes = $Device.Notes
$Notes = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
"`n" # Adds a line break
"`n" # Adds a line break
# Get existing device notes
$OldNotes = Get-IntuneDeviceNotes -DeviceName $Device.Device
If($OldNotes -match '\d' -or $OldNotes -match '\w'){
Write-Host "Existing notes found on $($Device.Device), adding to Notes variable" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "Unable to get device notes, ensure you are connected to MSGraph" -ForegroundColor Red
# Add the new notes, included the old ones
Set-IntuneDeviceNotes -DeviceName $Device.Device -Notes $Notes
Write-Host "Notes successfully added to $($Device.Device)" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "Unable to set device notes, ensure you are connected to MSGraph" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host "Unable to access the provided device list, please check the csv file and re-run the script." -ForegroundColor red
Running the Script #
The only parameter required is a CSV file, which only has two headers, ‘Device’ and ‘Notes’, so feel free to create one yourself, as I don’t think you need a template this time. Then just populate the CSV file with the devices and the required notes that need adding.
Sample CSV:
ENB-13F278,Here are the New notes about the device.
To run the script, firstly install Microsoft Graph Intune PowerShell module and connect to Graph, then run the three functions, finally run the below updating the DeviceList path to your created CSV file:
Set-MEMDeviceNotes -DeviceList C:\temp\UpdatedDeviceNotes.csv
I’d test this with a single device in the CSV file first before you do this in bulk, you know, just in case.
The full script can be found here
The Results #
But once run successfully, you’ll have devices with updated notes, so from this…
To this…
Summary #
Yes this was a hacky script, yes I spent more time writing this post about it than putting the script together…but the script does the job and saves having to manually update the notes field. Plus now you know how to do it, you can put whatever you want either in the csv file, or use something else to populate the field. World and Oyster.